How it works

All you have to know about the 1€ Houses Project

Choose it

Look through the houses available. Every house has its own identity card for you to learn its history, location and main features.
Pick one that suits you most. 


Get it

Make sure you read the requirements, have a look at the F.A.Q.s below and fill in an application form.


Renovate it

Once you receive the go ahead, buy a ticket and get ready! It’s time to renovate your future house. 


Be happy

Whether you are looking for relax or adventure, mountains or sea. There’s plenty to do here!

Check out our discover page and see where else you can go from Cammarata.


About the 1€ Houses Project

During the last few decades, Cammarata has suffered a mass move of citizens from the old town to the newer part of the village. The Municipality of Cammarata wants to bring a new vitality to the old abandoned center, by repopulating it with new enthusiastic people, ready to embrace the simple, healthy and calm lifestyle of the area. The project started in 2015; however, with the continued and increased interest in the homes of Cammarata, the Municipality staff chose to collaborated with StreetTo (a non-profit organization) in 2021. The goal of StreetTo is to speed up the project, with the help of its energetic team.

No, unfortunately it is not. The main goal of the 1€ Houses Project is to bring new citizens, who are willing to pay for the renovation of their chosen house. We are sorry to inform that this program does not include any form of assistance for immigrants or people who are trying to escape from their country.

There are different reasons why owners sell their houses for just 1€. Some of them have decided to live in the newer area of the village and have no reason to pay property taxes on their previous houses. In some cases, former Cammarata citizens, who now live abroad, have not maintained their houses and have chosen to sell versus paying for the renovation of their abandoned houses.  Sometimes, these houses have been inherited by multiple owners, who cannot reach an agreement about the final ownership. In all cases, the owners have decided to donate them to the Municipality.

The new owner/buyer has to proceed with the renovation within 3 years. The main goal is to repopulate the old town and bring new vitality to the area. Please take a look at the full regulation here for more information.

Of course, you can buy a 1€ house. Just remember the obligation to renovate the house within 3 years, as all the 1€ houses need a decent amount of work to be restored to a home, which can be inhabited. Always keep in mind, there will be renovation costs after buying a 1€ property.

First, take a look at our 1€ Houses here and have a read at the full regulation.  Then, we recommend that you come to Cammarata and experience the local life for a while… get to know more about the area. When in Cammarata, you will want to visit the selected properties and schedule viewings of the inside of any houses for which you are interested. Make sure you evaluate the pros/cons and estimate all the renovation costs.  You may decide to engage an architect or engineer, to receive a professional opinion on the exterior and interior structure of the houses. After you decide, you must fill in the applications form here and make sure to attach all the required additional documents also. A commission will judge each applicant and the proposed project/idea.

A special commission will judge each application to see if the proposed project/idea suits the goals of the 1€ houses program. There will be a ranking for each 1€ house application, to determine which applicant is chosen to proceed with the purchase. For more information, please take a look here.

No, you will not become an Italian/EU citizen automatically after buying a 1€ property.  You will follow a separate process for this and be individually responsible, should you decide to seek citizenship.

No, a local residence is not mandatory, nor are you required to permanently move to Cammarata. However, applicants, who want to permanently move to Cammarata, will be preferred in the selection process during the application review.

No, you cannot buy a 1€ house online. An in-person visit to Cammarata, when you can experience life in our village and view potential houses, is strongly recommended.  (If travel restrictions are limiting your opportunity to visit Cammarata, you may want to contract with a local architect or engineer and have them visit properties and provide details and pictures.  Again, we reiterate that it is still imperative that you visit Cammarata and see the houses yourself, before making a decision to purchase.)

About the Other Houses

In our historical centre there are several houses shuttered down and abandoned. Every house needs some quick maintenance work and it could be easily turned into an enjoyable place to live.

A 1€ house needs an application form to be included in a ranking, before it is actually assigned. An “other house” is just a buying and selling process between a private buyer and a private seller. There’s no need for a deposit and there is no obligation to renovate it within 3 years after the purchase.

There are different steps when someone buys a house in Italy. First, the buyer makes an offer which must be accepted by the owner.


1) Signing the preliminary agreement. The preliminary agreement is a guarantee for the buyer and for the owner. Along with the signature it’s necessary for the buyer to pay a deposit. The deposit serves as a guarantee that the final contract will be signed. If the owner decides not to sign, the buyer has the right to receive double the deposit amount. If, however, the buyer decides not to sign, the owner has the right to the entirety of the deposit.

2) Signing the final agreement. If the buyer is not Italian, it’s possible to proceed in two different ways:

a) going to a notary in the country where the buyer is a resident to arrange a Power of Attorney which would allow someone in Italy to sign in his/her place;

b) the buyer comes to Italy to sign in person, however the costs of the final contract will be higher in the event that an interpreter is required and the documentation translated.

The costs of the notary vary. If this is the first house purchased in Italy and the buyer moves his/her residence there within 18 months, the costs are lower. 

In general it depends either on the cadastral value of the house or on the market value. 

No, we are not. We are volunteers, and we promote our town. Our goal is to create opportunities for anyone who wants to buy a house and start a new life here in Cammarata.  We are shining a spotlight on our city and its citizens, with a goal to rebuild this community from its roots.

No, we are not. We are just building a link between sellers and buyers. Additionally, we DO NOT take a percentage on insertions, on buying and selling or on the final sale. We have just created a showcase for selected houses, and we DO NOT have any responsibilities for the negotiation/final purchase of each house.

Sure, you can! If you have a business idea, you are very welcome to become a new local entrepreneur.

About the renovations

It depends of the condition of each house and any additional amenities you prefer.  However, to provide an example: if you need to completely renovate a property, you can expect the cost to start at €700/sqm.

Cammarata and the surrounding towns have local technicians and building companies, who can provide quotes to perform the work.  From architectural drawings to filing renovation plans with the Municipality to performing the work, these professionals can follow the whole renovation process step-by-step: project in situ, permissions, work assignment to building companies etc… If you need it, our team will help you find all the professional profiles you desire, to make your dream into a reality.

Most of the houses need substantial renovations.  Therefore, it is not advisable to stay in the house during the renovation. Our team can suggest a temporary accommodation, if you want stay in Cammarata during the restoration.

It depends on the condition of the house. Generally (including completing all of the purchase documents, hiring the required renovation professionals and completing the restoration), it takes 3-18 months.

About all the possible costs

Buying a house with the 1€ Houses Program includes the symbolic price of 1 euro for the property and several other expenses:

  • Deposit of 5,000 euros to the municipality (returned when the restoration is complete within three years);
  • Notary fees (900€ to 1400€);
  • Charges for the issue of cadastral plans and A.P.E. (energy performance certificate);
  • Annual local taxes (T.A.R.I., which is a waste removal tax; I.M.U., which is property tax); and
  • The cost for the renovation itself.

Without taking into consideration the renovation costs, which vary according to the type and condition of a property, the total cost ranges between €2,500 and €4,000.

When you will buy your house, it is important to arrange the property transfer through a notary as soon as possible. The notary will arrange all the paperwork, to validate legally the transfer of the property ownership.

Approximately, the minimum cost of an act of the notary, for a 1 euro house, is 900€ and can reach up to 1400€, depending on the complexity of the case. There are other taxes for the regularity of the documentation. 

To recap you will pay 2.000€ (minimum) in total: 

  • 900€ (minimum) in a notary fee; and
  • 1,100€ (minimum) in taxes.

No, there are not. We are volunteers.  So, if you ask for information or if you want to visit and see a house, we do not charge a fee for this service.

To sell a house in Italy, it is necessary to show the notary 2 documents: APE (energy performance certificate) and cadastral maps.

Many houses built before the 1970’s do not have these documents because, in that period, they were not mandatory. If the owner has not recently completed these documents, you will be responsible for this additional expense.
The costs for these documents are:
– €200 for A.P.E. (energy performance certificate);
– €500 for cadastral maps for houses under 300sqm; or €700 for cadastral maps for houses over 300sqm. 

The only fees you have to pay to the Municipality of Cammarata once each year, for your home, will be: 

– I.M.U. (Property tax) 

– T.A.R.I. (Tax on waste) 

These are not expensive. These depend on the type of home and various factors, such as the seasonal presence of the owner. Approximately, for a 100sqm house, you could pay €300 a year. 

But, the municipality is going to reduce these taxes for people who want to buy a house and live in the historical center of the city. 

Yes, there is. The regulation says that you have to complete the renovation within 3 years of the purchase, or you will lose the deposit of 5,000 euros. 

About Cammarata

Yes, however lots of jobs are mainly in agriculture or small/medium businesses. Over the last year, many young professionals have moved here to work remotely while enjoying Sicily. Other entrepreneurs have also been innovative and successful in starting new activities here.

We have many young people who have studied/worked abroad. They will be able to speak English, Spanish and French. The volunteers in StreetTo will also be able to speak your language and will help you on your journey. If you wish, there are language schools where it is possible to learn Italian.

We welcome diversity!  Don’t be surprised if you are randomly invited to stay for lunch from some gracious lady, who is preparing fresh sauce. She will offer you homemade bread, spaghetti and a kind smile. Sicilians are extremely friendly and generous; and we love to share our traditions. We like to tell stories and spend time with friends

Cammarata is a quiet place with many children. There are several play areas, indoor and outdoor spaces where they can play recreational and sport activities. There are schools for every grade and public services available.

Cammarata is extremely safe. People know each other and look after one another. Living in Cammarata is much more secure and reassuring than in the larger cities, where delinquency is more prevalent.


Get to know all the rules to apply for your 1€ House

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